
Development of Algortithms and Artificial Intelligence with Smart Data

The value of huge amounts of data is worth only as much as the intelligence of the system that uses and evaluates it.

We have been involved in this research since the beginning of the nineties. Everything began with simulation processes on the finite element method in 1990. Since then, we have been pursuing the vision of designing software that is able to create new methods, algorithms and routines, and to respond to events in a way that makes them their own "Consciousness" can change. Of course, software does not have its own consciousness. But it can be enabled to modify itself and processes that it has processed by the time "x" analogous to a method "A", now work on a method "B". Artificial intelligence does not necessarily require big data. Even with a small amount of data, which are cleverly selected and assembled, functionalities can be ensured that standard algorithms with huge data masses can not achieve. We are talking about a trend towards smart data.

In the information age, knowledge, information, inventions, patents, and developments are key factors and assets. These are the largest assets that companies can use today. In the future, the relationship between success and failure will orientate even more to these parameters. Organizations and companies must be prepared to look to the future with vision. Asset building in companies is becoming more important than ever. But some companies do not understand the difference between passive and active investments. Instead, they stick to old strategic approaches and compete with the industry's predicted purchasing power and buying behavior. So they stuck firmly in the treadmill and secure themselves more or less their market share over the lever of the price. In the long run, that certainly can not be a key to success.

Forty, thirty or twenty years ago, many companies resisted using computers and replacing their usual work processes with software. Today, this is a matter of course in everyday business life. The internet was also initially misjudged by many decision makers. Without the Internet, virtually no communication in the business world is possible today.

Currently, we are seeing a similar trend as we talk with organizations and companies about their idea of ​​technology and the Internet in the future. Almost all use modern software and network systems, are online and manage their websites independently. But ultimately, the result of all this is a simple consequence of input - output. Wherever content and information should be available, manual processes have to take place beforehand.

We develop systems based on Artificial Intelligence that will increasingly replace manual processes. But this claim alone does not go far enough. We pursue the vision of creating assets through Artificial Intelligence.

Not every web project is suitable for generating sales. But in general, behind any entrepreneurial activity, that should be one of the primary goals. Unfortunately, most web site operators do not understand how to actually implement the project so that it becomes an asset of the business rather than an investment.

Often, partners who lack the visionary foresight and above all the accounting and financial know-how as well as the experience in dealing with complex economic systems are involved. However, this is precisely where a long-term cooperation with global companies and industry market leaders as well as experience in the development of accounting systems is required. For sustainable projects you need consultants who know exactly where the sensitive lever mechanisms are that you have to tackle to successfully tackle and implement a project. If done correctly, you can achieve an exponential effect.

But neither graphic designers nor the best programmers or analysts, and least of all an open-source implementation, can help. Although any investment minimization leads to a reduction in costs, in the long term, the investment needs can explode or the desired success remains.

Sustainability means companies generate a return of many hundreds or even thousands of dollars for every EUR spent and projects achieve double-digit percentage annual increases in results. Not only do they control inflation, they also proactively impact competition and markets.

In general, the question of how profitable it is, how quickly it pays off and what ROI is to be expected for every investment. Decision-makers often stumble over sums of investments whose ROI is barely calculable in advance. Not infrequently, decisions are then made that reduce the investment effort, but you will hardly know what lost profit is associated with the cost reduction. We live in the information age and information is almost priceless. Only those who know how to put the levers in the right places will ultimately be able to exploit the leverage effect for themselves and their business.

This shows how important a long-term and goal-oriented planning, an online strategy and the associated concept are. Unfortunately, one experiences too often that well intentioned ideas already evaporate in the beginning, because simply the clear concept behind it is missing or the "stumbling blocks" of initial investment are not mastered.

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